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Fun Guest Innovations Sparked By Our B Corp Certification

As the UK's first B Corp-certified holiday park group, our work continues beyond certification. Earning this accreditation sparks innovation throughout our business and keeps sustainability as our guiding principle. We creatively tackle challenges and engage customers with our equally creative guest innovations, each setting new standards for fun, sustainability and social responsibility on each of our parks.

Expanding B Corp Products

Our park shops have always featured a range of B Corp products, and now the selection is bigger than ever. Treat yourself and your furry friend to delicious doggy (and human) ice creams from Jude's, or enjoy alcohol-free spirits from Pentire. Indulge in a proper Cornish cream tea, jam first of course, with a big dollop of clotted cream from Rodda's. Thanks to our One Water stock, even our water has been B Corp certified. We also provide convenient refill stations for topping up your reusable water bottles before embarking on a full-day of adventures on park and beyond.

Engaging Our Littlest Lovats

We believe in getting everyone involved in making a difference early on, including our youngest guests. That's why we've introduced the Adventurer's Beach Set, available for free lending. This set helps reduce the sale of plastic crabbing buckets in our coastal locations which often end up as litter on our beaches. Every year, countless polystyrene body boards are left behind on our beautiful local beaches, each one posing a threat to both the environment and our precious coastal wildlife. To help beat polystyrene pollution, you can borrow free, wooden belly boards from each of coastal parks. Grab a board at reception and start surfing sustainably. By using these eco-friendly alternatives, you can make a positive impact on the environment.

Cc adventurers

Refill, Recycle, Reuse

We're committed to minimising waste and promoting a circular economy. You'll find water refill fountains at every holiday park, allowing you to stay hydrated without relying on single-use plastic bottles. We also have milk refill stations for your convenience. Additionally, we have implemented reuse projects, such as our beach toy library and windbreaker hires. These initiatives not only help reduce waste, but also lighten your packing load.

Turning Waste into Education

Our commitment to recycling extends to toiletries. Through our recycling scheme, we repurpose discarded items and have even created a mud kitchen from these otherwise landfill items at a local Cornish school. Together with Beach Guardian, we educate the pupils about beach waste and how we can drive a circular economy. Every contribution counts, and together we can make a difference.

Heidi and Kerry Parbola toiletry recycling

Contributing As A Camper Or Tourer

Even our touring guests can contribute to our sustainability efforts. Instead of disposing of broken or damaged awnings and tents, you can donate them to be transformed into future event bunting and accommodation cushions. By repurposing these items, we actively reduce waste and breathe new life into them by upcycling.

At our parks, we not only strive to be creative but also aim to drive positive change. Our B Corp certification has inspired a range of fun guest innovations that contribute to responsible tourism. From offering B Corp products to engaging our youngest visitors and promoting refill, recycle, and reuse initiatives, we are dedicated to creating a sustainable and enjoyable experience for all. Join us in making a difference and enjoy a memorable, eco-friendly adventure with us.

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Experience our fun and sustainable nature-focused holidays by nature by staying with us.
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